Enrollment Process
Submit the $100.00 application & testing fee ($50.00 for subsequent children of the same family) with the completed application, including additional documents listed on the application.
Call to set up appointment for Entrance Test with the Admissions office at 614-382-1111 option 3.
HPS will call to schedule the Family Interview after the Entrance Test Review.
Await acceptance/denial of enrollment via phone/letter from HPS after Family Interview.
Copyright © 1986-2024
• Harvest Preparatory School • All Rights Reserved.
Student Enrollment Policy
Harvest Preparatory School recruits and admits students of any race, color
or ethic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition,
the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in
the administration of its educational, athletic, or extracurricular programs. Furthermore,
the school is not intended to be an alternative to court-ordered, administrative
agency-ordered, or public school district-initiated programs.”