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Bridge of Hope Center for Moral Clarity Ministerial Alliance Ministry Partners
School Closing Info

School Closing and Inclement Weather Info

In the case of severe weather, the official announcement for an emergency school closing will be determined by the school administration. In most situations, the school administration will make the announcement of a closure in a timely manner in order for parents to make the appropriate accommodations for childcare arrangements.

Because the Harvest Preparatory School student body resides within several central Ohio school districts, and due to transportation arrangements, the school will never announce a "school delay." Harvest Preparatory will either open on the regular bell schedule or close for the entire school day.

Harvest Preparatory School will determine on closing independently of other private schools and public school districts.

Harvest Preparatory School will announce an emergency weather closing by the use of the following mediums:
  • Local television stations
  • School Website
    • Official Harvest Preparatory School website homepage - link
  • Social Media
    • Official Harvest Preparatory School Facebook page - link.
  • RenWeb Parent Alert
    • All parent/guardian cellular phone numbers registered in RenWeb will automatically receive an alert via a text message from the school principal.
  • School Telephone Hotline
    • (614) 382-1111 - Option #8
Student Enrollment Policy

Harvest Preparatory School recruits and admits students of any race, color or ethic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, athletic, or extracurricular programs. Furthermore, the school is not intended to be an alternative to court-ordered, administrative agency-ordered, or public school district-initiated programs.”
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